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Showing posts from August 18, 2019

Amazon Rainforest , Planet's Lung is Under Threat

We're busy in our daily routeen . We are not too much aware whats the devastating thing is happening in this world for us all . Our Lung is under threat .  The devastating news of fire at Amazon Rainforest come to rise when Brazilian space research center INPE claimed that the fires at Amazon increases by 80 % this year . This is the very disastrous news not only for Brazil but for whole Planet . According to the space agency , there are more than 72,000 fires detected in Brazil's Rainforest from Jan 1  to Aug 20 , 2019 . Moreover , 9500 fires are detected since Thursday so far . These are the highest numbers since the record began in 2013 . Also the two states of Brazil includes Acre and Amazonas are under emergency . Hundreds of temporary firefighters are hired by Brazil's environmental agency ( IBAMA ) . In recent developments , Brazil also give charge to Army to fight the fire . Following are the questions which I'm going to discuss in this blog to ma