Kashmir , a tract of subcontinent who has not taste freedom yet due to the political clashes between India and Pakistan . Every person in this subcontinent acknowledged this . I'm here not to describe Kashmir issue . I'm here not to describe that how many days have passed Kashmiris are in curfew . I'm also not here to give you detail about the injustice India is doing in Kashmir for last 72 years . Dear Pakistanis , I'm here to tell that what actually we are doing in the name of solidarity with Kashmir .What our nation is doing for kashmir . I don't care whether Kashmir is integral part of India or not . I also not interested in whether India is doing brutality in Kashmir but today the topic of my discussion is , Is Kashmir really our aort or we have just our self interests behind this solidarity . also Is really their any sympathy in our nation for Kashmir , or it is the requirement of our so called ego . Following are the list of questions that I aske...