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Article 370 , bursting of anthrax

Graphic of Article 35A AND 370

5 August 2019 , Amit Shah , Indian Home Minister , abolish Articles 370 and 35A of Indian constitution which gives Jammu & Kashmir a special state status.
Moreover , with presidential orders , Jammu and Kashmir will be divided in two union territories JAMMU & KASHMIR and LADAKH 
This move was also the part of election manifesto of BJP . After this Indian govt and media is confident that the Kashmir dispute is resolved . But the questions are
Is Kashmir issue really resolved ?
Is All Indians accept it ?
Is Pakistan accept it ?
and most important 
Is Kashmiri people accept it ?

Its Shayan here and today we will discuss all about this , so keep in touch with me ....!!!!!!

First of all we will discuss what these Articles are ;
According to Article 370 of Indian constitution
key points of Article 370
moreover , article 35A of Indian constitution states as 
keypoints of Article 35A
So these are some key points of these articles , Now we will discuss one by one about the questions we raised above 

  • Is Kashmir issue really resolved ?
According to Indian govt , this move helps Kashmir in development , peace and prosperity , but in my opinion its answer is , absolutely NO . If you look back to the whole history you came to know that no one have right to decide the future of any nation . You'll do it by arms for a period of time , but this will not kept for ever . Coming on ground aspects , In my opinion ,this will proved as a giant foolishness of Modi-Shah.
Its main reason is that they do mistakes on mistakes . First mistake is that they did what they did on their own , against the will of Kashmiris , . Second mistake is that they kept curfew for more than 10 days , with totally communication blackout , all the leaders of Kashmir under arrest , huriyat leaders under arrest and they think this will be helpful for them . For me  Modi-Shah policy will proved as burst of Anthrax . Hence in short , to think Kashmir dispute resolved due to Modi-Shah policy , is totally foolishness . Its not just my thinking , you'll check the ground realities too . This fire will not extinguish soon . 

  • Is All Indians accept it ?
There are different type of narratives of Indians regarding this issue . 

- Ones who are pro govt , and believes in Hindutva supremacy , these people have bunch of answers in favour of this govt move . They considered it a move which will bring development , peace and prosperity in Kashmir . 
Major Gaurav Arya , Indian defence analyst , express his views on this move as , " Today Amit shah burried 370 & 35A for ever . You may not like it ....but then it doesn't matter "

Many Indians doesn't have any issue with the abolishment of these articles , but they are against the process Modi govt adopted . According to their thinking this will against the democracy , people of kashmir are not part of this . Their future is going to decided and they even don't part of it , Isn't it against the democracy ? Lets see views of some Indians in context of constitution and democracy ;

Rahul Gandhi , leader of opposition party Congress tweets , " National integration isn't furthered by unilaterally tearing apart J&K , imprisoning elected representatives and violating our constitution . This nation is made by its people , not plots of land . This abuse of executive power has grave implications for our national security " 

Shivam Vij , Indian columnist and journalist says , " Today its Omer Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti , Tomorrow it could be Arvind Kejriwal or Mayawati or Udhav Thakrey or Naveen Patnaik . Alarmist? "

Asaddudin Owaisi , a prominent Muslim leader in India says , " I know this government has love for Kashmir , but not for Kashmiris . I know it has love for the land but not love for those who live there . It loves power but not justice "

Some Indians also thinks that this move of Indian Govt leads to the death of secularism . They think India is a secular state and MODI-SHAH leads it to the Hindu State 
Rama Lakshmi , an Indian Editor says , " Nehru & Indra Gandhi sold secularism through ' national integration' slogan , emphasis on 'national' . Today , secularism is dying because the secularists gave up on nationalism . The only way to reclaim it is to first reclaim nationalism " 

  •  Is Pakistan accept it ?
Hope for the best and be prepared for the worst , Is World ready for the Worst " , says Pakistani Prime Minister , Imran Khan.
As a Pakistani , I don't think this nation will going to accept it . This was against the sentiments of all Pakistani nation .  This nation have too much solidarity in their hearts regarding Kashmiris . Pakistan will go to any extent for Kashmiri people . 

" Pakistan Army firmly stands by Kashmiris in their just struggle to the very end . We are prepared and shall go to any extent to fulfill our obligations in this regard " says Pakistani COAS Qamar Javed Bajwa .

Pakistani govt and Pakistani Army , both are on same page in context of Kashmir issue . Recently , during address to Azad Kashmir legislative assembly Pak PM Imran khan affirmly said " I am now the Ambassador of the people of Kashmir " , " I wish to tell Modi , that the revocation of Article 370 will make no difference to the people of Kashmir who are battle-hardened and will resist any oppression . You cannot enslave them . " he also said .

Imran khan also similize "Modi izam' with 'Nazi izam' and 'Hitler izam' . He also proclaimed that Modi did this for the happiness of RSS , a party which wants Hindu Supremacy . Khan similize it with Hitler's racial supremacy . 
" Hitler invaded Russia under his fake sense of invincibility and belief in racial superiority and faced the consequences . I believe Modi is also making the same mistake " says Imran khan .

Pakistan did some decisions as a protest against India , According to PAK Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi , Pakistan is going to expell envoy , downgrading diplomatic relations , suspends bilateral trade and also review bilateral agreements .

Moreover , Pakistan also took this isue to Organization of Islamic Cooperation(OIC) , and also to the UNSC . Pakistani FM sends letter to UN secretary general to hold on emergency meeting of UNSC for kashmir issue and this letter is accepted and meeting helds most probably on Friday , 16 August 2019.

Hence getting short , Pakistan is not going to accept this . This will also end up with a serious engagement between two nuclear armed countries . May it will never happened and both countries resolved their issue bilaterally . 

Now we will get to the last and most important question of the whole scenario

  • Is Kashmiris accept it ?
In this era ,if you don't have internet access for more than 10 days , you have communication blackout . You doesn't go outside of your house because goon army is waiting for you for live fires and to blind you with pallots . Your leaders who are the voice of you to the whole world are all under arrest . Your collection of food ended . Your collection of medicines ended . And suddenly a govt bedaud a decision on you , which includes the future of you , Logically , you think anyone can accept it ? . If you think so , then you are living in fools paradise . 

" Today the people of J&K who reposed their faith in institutions of india like parliament & Supreme Court feel defeated & betrayed . By dismembring the state 5 fraudulently taking away what is rightfully & legally ours , they have further complicated the Kashmir dispute " says Mehbooba Mufti , ex CM of J&K.
" Decision of J&K leadership to reject two nation theory in 1947 & aligned with India has backfired " she also said .

Despite her , Omer Abdullah ,also the former CM of J&K , also raised questions on this move by government and called the decision unilateral , illegal and unconstitutional.

There is no other opinion that Kashmiris are not happy with this change in articles 370 and 35A , because its a robbery on their  democracy , on their lands , on their freedom  , on their rights , on their state , on their culture , on their lives and also on their respects . But due to complete communication and internet blackout in the state for more than 10 days , no bigger voice risen from them . But some international media groups i.e BBC and AL JAZAIR , do unbiased reporting on this issue and Kashmiris are very thankfull to them . Moreover , newspapers like New york times and almost all the international newpapers are becoming the voice of Kashmiris since 5th of August .

You need not to be MUSLIM to help Kashmiris , You just have to be HUMAN "
Kashmiri boys throwing stone on Indian forces

Shayan Over .....!!!!!!


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